The sun shines down brightly over a rural Spanish villa, just as dark clouds begin to circle for a group of friends assembling at the request of a grieving widow in writer/director Nathan Buck‘s new drama UNDER SPANISH SKIES.

For Leah (Tara Lynn Orr), the recent loss of her soul mate Neil (Giovanni Spinelli) has impacted on her significantly. The life of seeming tranquility in Espana has taken a turn, but the arrival of some friends perhaps will help alleviate some of the pain.

There’s troubled couple Beth (Tulian Holmqvist) and Gregory (Philippe Brenninkmeyer) in the midst of a divorce from wife Bianca; estranged lesbian Alix (Nahema Ricci)  – whose partner Clara ran off after an argument in Barcelona; and her uncle Andres (Amr Waked). At first glance, this seems like a good opportunity to try and tie up some loose ends over a bit of sangria thrown into the mix.

This starts to emerge when Leah suddenly announces that she has designs on ending it in Marrakesh, based on an alleged pact that she and Neil made if one or the other departed sooner than expected. However, the inner conflicts of those assembled and the seemingly unfinished and unexpressed desires are about to do something to each other that is going to be far more revealing than what the deceased could give from beyond the grave….

Emotional and at times tense ensemble drama, with echoes of THE BIG CHILL (1983) in which a group of friends discover their honesty and truth in the midst of seeming reflection and tragedy. Although the theme of suicide is predominant at times through this drama, it is the context and subtext of such significant feelings around this that is explored more broadly in a template that focuses a little more on the nature of mental health which is being discussed in many circles at present.

Helmer Buck attempts to create a valid and enlightening work with excellent performances from everyone involved, coupled with some spectacular Spanish scenery and atmospheric music.

The Berlin Independent Film Festival 2023 runs from 16th – 19th February 2023.

For more information, including tickets, please go to:



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