As an advocate for change, the Paris International Film Festival is keen to highlight in another of its’ initiatives the ongoing ‘Inconvenient Truth’ (to quote the title of the Al Gore documentary) about the world’s ever-dwindling resources that are impacted from the on-going use of deforestation amongst others, highlighted for decades by public and political figures.

Tickets available at:

A key film screening at the 2021 Festival is a new documentary featuring actor and environmental activist Woody Harrelsen (CHEERS, THE HUNGER GAMES, NATURAL BORN KILLERS) attempts to provide new enlightening perspectives on what is truly happening to our world.

KISS THE GROUND, produced and directed by the husband-and-wife team of Josh and Rebecca Tickell, reveals that through the use of compelling graphics and visuals, along with striking NASA and NOAA footage, by regenerating the world’s soils there is potential to completely and rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate and create an abundance of new food supplies.

BELOW: Josh and Rebecca Tickell

The Tickells know more than anything about what the impact of the current status quo of environmental perspectives is doing to the future of the planet, with both of them authors and working around the subject for years. Rebecca investigated the root cause of the BP oil spill and suffered health issues from exposure to the oil and dispersant in the atmosphere from that particular crisis and disaster and her directorial debut was the critically acclaimed PUMP, narrated by Jason Bateman (JUNO)

For more on the film, including the potential for hosting a screening in your own community, please go to:


Climate change is also one of the key issues that the Paris International Film Festival will attempt to increase aware during and following the event, as well as other key film-making and production matters, which virtual attendees can observe and participate in. The panels will be announced shortly.

Film And TV Now will continue to promote and push as an Official Partner all matters pertaining to the future of film-making across the world.

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