We are only a week away from the eagerly-anticipated virtual Paris International Film Festival, of which Film And TV Now is a proud Official Partner – and Festival Director Jenna Suru took some time out from her busy schedule preparing the Festival to reflect on some of the key elements and issues that will help to define the legacy from 4th – 14th February – and beyond….

Tickets available at: https://www.parisintlfest.com/


Kiss The Ground is an exceptional documentary about how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies.

Narrated by the brilliant Woody Harrelson, “Kiss the Ground” is an Official Selection at Paris International  Film Festival. Come and meet the incredible filmmakers, Rebecca and Josh, behind this essential documentary, on their Q&A moderated by Jeff Rivera and myself in our virtual Eiffel Tower.



If you’re doubting you can film a true gem all in confinement with an international cast and crew, look no further!

These filmmakers have broken all the rules writing, producing as acting in this brilliant series filmed all in the distance in lockdown.

BELOW: Rachele Fregonese and Alida Pantone, the team behind RIDDLES OF DZOOM


ABOVE: Jenna Suru and Natasha Marburger at the post-screening Q and A after the London Premiere of Suru’s debut feature, L’AGE D’OR / THE GOLDEN AGE, during the London Independent Film Festival 2020. This was one of the last live film festival events to take place in London before the 2020 lockdown.


Great times recording our Paris International Film Festival panel about “The Future of Filmmaking: A Revolution On The Screen” with our fantastic selected filmmakers Mindy Bledsoe Ashley Maria, Lisa Barmby, Olga N. Bogdanova & Nóra Lakos moderated by Natasha Marburger and myself.

A panel to be discovered at the festival in our Virtual Eiffel Tower – we’ve brainstormed some ideas to shape the future of filmmaking and discuss their careers in more depth.

Great times to also remember some of the greatest filmmakers of our History, including Alice Guy, first filmmaker to ever film with Black Actors, discovered by Léon Gaumont , who believed and supported her – feeling privileged to have worked at the brilliant “marguerite company”

The Paris International Film Festival is only a few days away…..and you have the opportunity to join an incredible community of people who truly believe in change and progress in a world that is still uncertain in the global status quo.

Whether you are a first time film viewer who feels compelled and inspired to do something – or a veteran of the film world who feels compelled to be inspired and reborn again, then get your passes and check in from 4th February. All are welcome.

We are the change that we seek.” – BARACK OBAMA

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