One of the most unusual films of recent years takes a bow at the Paris International Film Festival 2021, which takes place 4th – 14th February online.

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TYRANTS OF TOMORROW TELETHON is based on a stage production called ‘Dictators 4 Dummies’, which was conceived in the shadow of reflection brought on by the rise of Fascism in Hungary and relayed by a female native to Christopher Shorr who expressed her concern over the culture and context of what was happening. However, the concept seemed a little before its’ time at its’ conception.

Inevitably, the political change brought on by the inauguration of Donald Trump proved to be a catalyst of relevance for the project, which then began to take on a greater clarity in the status quo as a satirical musical focusing on the rise of authoritarian regimes and resistance to would-be dictators, which was presented at the Touchstone Theatre in Bethlehem, PA, USA.

The premise focuses on an annual fundraiser of the title to support would-be autocrats – and some ominously familiar historical figures show their skills and talents. However, as is clearly the case, you can predict that things might not go the way they are supposed to……

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For more about the film, please click on the following link:

TYRANTS OF TOMORROW TELETHON is just one selection – and just one part – of the 2021 Edition of the Paris International Film Festival and the momentum before Premiere Day on 4th February is gathering rapidly as we enter the final stages of welcoming fans, film-makers and guests from across the world to our virtual celebration of artistry and change in the broadest creative sense.

There are some incredible guests and panels, as well as opportunities to meet virtually some of the other film-makers participating in the Festival. However, please do not assume that things will be done and dusted by Closing Day on 14th February, as it is also our goal to continue to build awareness, not only of the Festival for the 2022 Edition, but also keep and stimulate interest in those films and individuals that were so important and welcoming in this year’s event.

Film and TV Now

Film And TV Now is also an Official Partner, but just one of several, including Filmocracy and Zeiss, who are working tirelessly to continue to promote the moving image and its’ community, who are affected deeply by the current pandemic and its’ subsequent after-effects.

Whether you are a first-time film viewer who has never picked up a camera or acted on stage, or whether you have worked on some of the biggest and most legendary films of all time in recent years, we welcome one and welcome all to this most exciting of Festivals.

Please join the community both at the Festival and here at Film And TV Now. We would love to hear from you!

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