Dakore Egbuson-Akande’s involvement as a Jury Member in the Paris International Film Festival 2021, which closed on Sunday 14th February 2021,  gained additional appreciation and meaning when she was honoured with a special award, the ‘Prix D’Honneur’ .

For future updates and news, please go to: https://www.parisintlfest.com/

Watch Egbuson-Akande’s acceptance speech here:


Watch the 2021 Official Festival Trailer here:


You can read the amazing News Release about Egbuson-Akande’s selection as an Official Jury Member here:

PARIS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL NEWS: Dakore Egbuson-Akande named as Jury Member for the 2021 Edition

And so the 2021 Edition of the Paris International Film Festival is drawing to a close. Film And TV Now remain such a proud Official Partner in the Festival and we are thrilled to have brought you some great exclusive news and some brilliant review coverage of some of the key films in the festival, as well as reflect on what a great experience in the online arena it has been for all who attended and watched the films in the ‘Virtual Village’ Cinema.

Film and TV Now

Now it’s your turn…..!!!

If you were lucky enough to have time to experience the Festival, we would love to hear from you. Tell us about your favourite feature and short film, the overall experience of the Festival and what you would like to see in future Editions.

Please let us know via our Social Media feeds and do continue to support the community of creatives and film-makers who helped make the Festival one of the most memorable so far of the year.

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